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Ride Along: Riding with the Hazards ON!


Captured from Movie Scene Ride Along, 2014


The mission of OSHA is to assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women by setting and enforcing standards and by providing training, outreach, education and assistance. Trinidad and Tobago’s first safety and health legislation, which provided for the making of regulations, laying down safety, health and welfare standards in respect of machinery, plant and hazardous processes. The scope and applicability of the OSH Act is to ensure that industrial establishments, in the private and public sectors, manage safety, health and welfare in the workplace using the legal compliance requirements as a minimum standard. In this blog assignment the group identified several hazards such as Chemical, Biological, Physical, Ergonomics, Safety and Psychosocial that were shown in the movie Ride Along.


Ben, who is played by Kevin Hart, is a school security guard by profession and an avid video gamer in his free time. His goal is to be accepted into the police academy so he can properly propose to Angela (Tika Sumpter). While his goal is deemed achievable there is one person who stands in the way of his success, which is Angela’s brother James (Ice Cube) who is also her only living relative. James is not a fan of Ben, as he thinks he’s not worthy of his sister, and he decides to invite Ben along on his shift which is deliberately designed to scare Ben and prove he’s not good enough for his sister. James’ character of course is a tough-guy cop who’s ready to go rogue in search of a never-before-seen Atlanta criminal lord known as ‘Omar’(Laurence Fishburne). James plans for the day to be filled with minor annoyances that he believes will tire Ben out and make him lose interest in policing, for a while, the strategy works. However, a lead on Omar took the ‘day of deterrence’ to a real life police following leads. After a day of causing disruptions to Omar’s criminal schedule, the criminal mastermind decides to show his face for the first time which did not turn out as planned for James. During the chase, Ben decided to steal Omar’s bag of cash so in the efforts to get it retrieved he decides to use Angela as bait. The movie ends like a traditional good guy saves the day movie. Angela is saved, James solves his case with Omar as he is captured and Ben finally receives James’ blessing, as he was able to help James with solving the Omar case. During the course of the movie however, there have been multiple hazards observed throughout.


According to “Psychosocial Hazards Contributing To Work-Related Stress – Worksafe” 2020, psychosocial hazards are factors that increase the risk of work-related stress and can lead to psychological or physical harm. Psychosocial hazards include high and low job demands, poor support, low recognition and reward and poor workplace relationships. In any workplace, the elimination of psychosocial hazards is important as it affects both the employee’s mental health and well-being. There should be opportunities for employee improvement with skills development, purpose to work and a sense of identity.

Scene 1: Violent/ Traumatic events

This occurs where there is a workplace occurrence that includes an abusive employee or the threat of harm which can lead to work-related stress and physical injury. This is common in the field of the police force in this case especially in instances of assault or being threatened with or without a weapon.

Figure 1: Ben attacked by a bike rider (Ride Along, 2014)

This type of hazard is seen throughout the movie where Ben is constantly being attacked by another person. One such scene is when Ben approached the bike riders for them to move their bikes. Ben offended one of the bikers when he called his wife, a man. Ben also touched the bike rider on his chest and therefore an altercation occurred between the bike rider and Ben. The bike rider held Ben up to his face at his collars in the scene.

Another scene for this hazard is where James approached a man named Run-flat and attacked him when he would not give out the information that James asked for. James held the man at his neck because he was trying to get information on an important lead for him. James felt very irritated when he could not get information on the lead case throughout the movie as nobody had seen the man he was looking for.


Employees hired by the police force, such as Ben, should train on the job with someone who doesn’t have any personal feuds with their partner, like James in the movie. The HR department should always do a background and interview check to reduce conflict and create an environment for effective and efficient work. In doing so, it will create an anti-violence environment for both officers and the departments and in the long term create an informative and learning training session. However, in the movie Ben was attacked by numerous persons and handle the situation horribly because James wasn’t training him correctly but instead use the opportunity to prevent him from joining the force.

Scene 2: Poor workplace relationships

This hazard occurs in the workplace where there is conflict between employees or workplace bullying. This became evident within the movie as there was a previous personal feud between Ben and James. This hazard deals with a poor relationship between employees and managers as well as discrimination or other behaviour by colleagues that is not professional.

Figure 2: James bullies Ben (Ride Along, 2014)

This type of hazard is also seen throughout the movie where workplace bullying is repeated by James towards Ben with intimidating behavior, belittling comments and even offensive language. In this scene in the picture, James constantly tells Ben to “do his job” which requires him to deal with the situation of handling Crazy Cody in the grocery store. This job is called a 126 by the police which is a petty job for new employees on the police force. At the scene, James can be seen bullying Ben into taking care of Crazy Cody who took off his clothes and started pouring honey on himself. James then tells Ben constantly to stop playing and see about Crazy Cody.

In another scene, James continuously hurries Ben into shooting the gun in the shooting range. It is seen that Ben is scared since it is his first time shooting the gun, however, James doesn’t care and bullies Ben into quickly shooting the gun. Ben then shoots and misses all targets while James goes after and shoots right on target. He belittles Ben by saying it’s really that the gun was calibrated wrongly and shows him it isn’t.


The head of department needed to put Ben with another member of the police force since there is a personal feud between James and Ben. This was because of the workplace bullying where James brought his personal issues to the workplace to try to get Ben to leave or be demotivated from the job. If in the case where James had to be partnered with Ben, there should have been another person to oversee the matter since Ben was dating James’ sister. Background research should have been done by the Human Resource department to realize this situation. Therefore, a company by law should have been implemented where in instances like this, persons should not work together in the same department or case.

Scene 3: Thanatophobia (Fear of dying)

This hazard occurs in a workplace where there are a lot of firearms involved and even risky situations such as a police force or even a hospital. This was seen in scenes mostly with Ben where in every instance, Ben has been afraid of dying with the smallest of situations. Several factors could put someone at risk of developing this fear.

Figure 3: Ben afraid of being shot (Ride Along, 2014)

In this scene, Ben was bold at first in the club because he thought it was a prank. However, when the gun was shot and hit the ceiling, he became afraid that he was going to be shot and die since he started to shriek. He then took cover for himself in fear.

In another scene, after the club, he felt that he stepped in a puddle while they were walking away. On investigating his foot, he was shot in the leg. James told Ben this and he was in denial. When Ben realized that he was shot with the blood, he started to panic indicating he did not want to die. He was carried to the hospital, and he kept telling James that if he died, to tell Angela about his love for her.


There should be a program where police officers should be admitted if needed to. To overcome his fear, he should be in therapy which would teach Ben to refocus his fears and talk about it instead. Especially in this field of work, many persons should be given therapy before and during their service to make them aware of the consequences that could happen if they were in a situation that wasn’t ideal to them. According to the therapist, if needed, there should be an in-house medical person who would diagnose the employees and prescribe medicine that may be effective.


Ergonomics is the science of fitting jobs to workers instead of trying to get the worker to fit the job. It focuses on designing workstations, tools & work tasks for safety, efficiency, and comfort. Ergonomics seeks to decrease fatigue and injuries, along with increasing comfort, productivity, job satisfaction and safety, because work injuries are not inevitable and a well-designed job should not hurt you.  Ergonomics is important because when you’re doing a job and your body is stressed by an awkward posture, extreme temperature, or repeated movement your musculoskeletal system is affected. Your body may begin to have symptoms such as fatigue, discomfort, and pain, which can be the first signs of a musculoskeletal disorder.

Ergonomics involves wear and tear on the body and can cause different levels of injuries.

Sitting Posture

Poor posture while sitting causes the ribcage and sternum to press against the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This leads to shortened breath or reduced lung capacity. Prolonged bad posture puts added stress on muscles and joints. This leads to feeling tired and less likely to complete work.  Posture is the way your body is positioned when you’re standing, sitting, or lying down. Slouching, slumping, and other types of poor posture can cause muscle tension, as well as back pain, joint pain, and reduced circulation. Poor posture can even lead to breathing issues and fatigue.  In this movie, it is evident that particular scenes had incorporated this type of hazard, which would be further analyzed within the blog.

Scene 1: Sitting Posture

Figure 4: Ben playing a video game demonstrating poor posture (Ride Along, 2014)

As the movie begins you can see where the character Ben is sitting playing an interactive video game. This scene reflects poor posture or incorrect usage of the chair while engaging in a fun activity. This practice seems to be regularly done, as he is frequently involved in playing online games. This conduct can have damages to Ben’s neck and shoulders. Also, this can create complications of poor posture to his neck, spine dysfunction, joint degeneration, rounded shoulders and a potbelly.  

Ben’s slouching can weaken his muscles in your back and may cause more pain in other parts of his body. This happens from all the extra weight and pressure on your back. Extra pressure on your spine can lead to a spinal curvature. It’s when the curves of your spine shift position over time. From the clip we can see he plays virtual games very often, which can definitely create some of these injuries mentioned.


Figure 5: Correct positions while playing video games (Taken from Man Flow Yoga BlogSpot)

In Scene 1, Ben should reconsider playing video games for long periods of time. This position/posture while entertaining himself with his games, can lead to long term damages, like to his back, shoulder and neck, he should consider regular breaks to give his back a break. Ben should practice keeping his feet flat on the floor and try to avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes. Adjusting his chair height and workstation so he can sit up close to play his games. Include resting his elbows and arms on his chair or desk, keeping his shoulders relaxed. Proper seating in an upright position would help in preventing long term damages to his back and shoulders.

Scene 2: Sitting Posture

Figure 6: Santiago has his feet on the table, while sitting on a chair (Ride Along, 2014)

In another scene the character Santiago was sitting on a chair at the police station with both legs propped on the desk in front of him. This type of sitting is a clear indication of improper posture and can cause serious injury to one’s back and potentially damaging other parts of his body. Poor posture while sitting causes the ribcage and sternum to press against the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This leads to shortened breath or reduced lung capacity. Prolonged bad posture puts added stress on muscles and joints. This leads to feeling tired and less likely to complete work.


Figure 7: Shows correct position while sitting (Taken from Medical News Today)

While sitting, Santiago should keep his feet on the floor, with his ankles in front of his knees. Making sure his feet touch the floor, or he can use a footrest to be more comfortable if required. He should have his shoulders relaxed, not rounded or pulled backwards, while keeping elbows close to his body. This is the proper way while sitting to ensure there are no injuries.


Safety hazard most frequently occurs at almost every workplace at some point and includes dangerous situations that can result in harm, disease, or death. For example, working in confined spaces, machinery-related dangers, working at heights, and even spillage on the floor or tripping are all potential safety hazards.

Scene 1: Seat Belt Protection

Figure 8: James not wearing a seatbelt while driving (Ride Along, 2014)

Some may think seat belts are a waste of time or maybe you may say ‘I’m going right around the block to come back’ or how about in the heat of the moment, buckling up is the furthest thing from your mind. If you fall in any of these categories, you should reconsider your actions, as seatbelts are the best prevention of saving not only your life but the life of others. 

 At approximately 3 minutes into the show, James enters the vehicle and immediately drives off, in the hopes of catching the criminal Marco. James was entirely focused on catching Marco at the time, which may lead us to believe that because he is performing his police duties, it expedites him from wearing his seatbelt. However, the main duty of an officer is to ‘protect and serve’, thus in this scene, James’ actions is deemed a hazard, due to the lack of the protection of himself and the bystanders. As a driver, you not only think about yourself, but you are also required to consider others. Though seatbelts may be uncomfortable to some, the benefits of wearing your seatbelt far outweighs its cons especially in the event of getting into an accident. Vehicular occupants who are not wearing seatbelts become projectiles in the event of a collision which can result in brain injury, internal bleeding, whiplash, fractured bones, and even death.


Figure 9:  The Correct Way to Wear Seatbelt
Source (Fix Auto, 2020)

According to the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training, 50% of law enforcement officers do not use seat belts. Thus, the police force in the US especially, has urged police officers to wear seatbelts for the prevention of life. Though this may vary from state to state and from country to country, the bottom line is that seat belts save lives. 


Wannous 2021 defined biological hazards as follows: “Biological hazards are of organic origin or conveyed by biological vectors, including pathogenic microorganisms, toxins and bioactive substances. Examples are bacteria, viruses, or parasites, as well as venomous wildlife and insects and poisonous plants.”

Some areas where biological hazards may be prevalent may be with people working with animals, infectious plants materials, hospitals, nursing homes, laboratories, universities, some types of outdoor occupations.  Some items you may be exposed to but not limited to be bacteria, virus, insect bites, animal droppings, fungi and mould, blood and bodily fluids.

Food can be contaminated by microorganisms which can be found in the air. These tiny microorganisms can cause illness if they find their way into the food we eat. The types of microorganisms that can negatively affect our health are viruses, parasites and bacteria. There are various factors that influence dangerous microorganism growth in food i.e. pH levels, and moisture of the food. There are temperature ranges that enable bacteria to grow very quickly. The food he was throwing might end up in other food items and contaminate them. This can cause persons purchasing these items to maybe contract salmonella, norovirus or even listeria and food poisoning which can also cause long term health problems.

Scene 1: Food hazard

Figure 10: Crazy Cody in the Farmers Market (Ride Along, 2014)

Cody Tillman aka crazy Cody, is in the farmers’ market throwing fruits, vegetables and any other item he gets his hands on. He is upset that his wife took his car and left and he wants his life back to normal. Ben tells him he is going to arrest him if he does not stop. Cody begins to take off his clothes and pours honey on his body. Ben gets into a struggle with Cody on the ground where Cody holds Ben by the neck.


After the episode the area should be evacuated from all persons. All the food items within the vicinity should be sanitized properly, fresh fruits that are damaged should be discarded and the remaining fruits should be washed in running water. All damaged food cartoons should be disposed of and the remaining ones should also be sanitized to prevent contamination. Ben and crazy Cody should have also taken a bath and change of clothing as honey was poured all over Cody’s body and was then rubbed on Ben’s face.

Scene 2: Blood hazard

Blood is considered a biological hazard as it can be infected with tiny organisms that can cause disease in humans. These diseases are known as blood borne pathogens. Diseases that are of most concern are human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that cause the disease AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome as well as hepatitis B and C. These diseases can be spread by infected blood.

Figure 11: Ben gets shot in the leg (Ride Along, 2014)

James and Ben left from the site of the burning building, since their car was blown up, they had no choice but to walk. When they got to under the bridge Ben started complaining his sock was wet only to realize he was shot in the leg and did not feel it as he still had adrenaline going through his body. The bullet went through his leg. James took Ben’s belt and wrapped it around his leg to reduce the bleeding.


The area where they were should be sanitized immediately as even dried blood can live for days outside the body and still cause infection. James should not touch Ben’s pants or raise it up to show the wound as he is not using the proper PPE. Both James and Ben needed to wash off themselves to get the blood off and should James have any open wound he can become infected should Ben have any diseases. James needed to wash himself off when he got to the hospital.


Physical hazards are factors within the environment which threaten and can harm your physical safety. Physical hazards are conditions that are unsafe and may cause illnesses, injury or death to persons. Some physical hazards include noise, radiation, temperature extremes and high exposure to sunlight /ultraviolet rays.

Scene 1: Speeding

Figure 12: Accident caused by speeding vehicles (Ride Along, 2014)
Figure 13: Car flipped over because of speeding (Ride Along, 2014)

A high-speed chase occurred through the streets as a car driven by Marco was being followed by a red van driven by police officer, James. No seat belts were worn by either driver. This was a very busy street filled with other cars and pedestrians. This was a form of dangerous driving. Thereafter the van James was driving intentionally hit the car Marco was driving which resulted in the car flipping. Marco then crawled out of the car and later ended up in police custody. This was indeed a form of reckless driving for both Marco and James. This was a physical hazard due to the reckless driving which posed a direct threat to not only the lives of Marco and James but also to the lives of other drivers present on the roadway and the innocent persons present on the streets at that point in time. In this scene, dangerous driving occurred while speeding. This could have resulted in multiple injuries to Marco, James, other drivers on the roadway and also to innocent bystanders who were present at the scene. No seat belts were worn which could have resulted in major injuries to both drivers.


One preventative measure is that seatbelts should be worn once operating a motor vehicle. Another preventative measure is that James should not have intentionally hit the car Marco was driving which could have prevented an accident from occurring. The Police should have ensured protective measures were put in place when surveillance was being conducted by other police officers. This would have mitigated the damages to the vehicles on the streets. The police should have cordoned off the area and streets or even had a helicopter on standby in case a potential situation like this occurred. This would have enabled the police officers to follow the car Marco was driving to mitigate the dangerous driving that was present on the roadway. The police officers present in the helicopter would therefore have been able to get a bird’s eye view of the location of the car Marco was driving. This would have given them an idea of any possible areas in which Marco may have been going.

Scene 2: Physical injury 

Figure 14: Display physical injury (Ride Along, 2014)
Figure 15: Display physical injury (Ride Along, 2014)

This is the scene where the drug dealer Omar was fighting with Ben in his and Angela’s apartment. This was in an attempt for Omar to get his money from Ben. James was also fighting in this apartment with his partner Santiago. The four men sustained injuries due to being slammed onto furniture in the apartment which broke. Omar threw Ben onto the bookshelf, television and onto the coffee table. Several punches were thrown between James and his partner Santiago which resulted in Santiago shooting James in the left shoulder. Angela then hit Santiago on the head with a frying pan, which resulted in him being knocked out. Physical injuries could be a possible result of fighting. Santiago could have suffered from injuries to his head and James could have suffered internal injuries to his shoulder after being shot. Ben was slammed onto various pieces of furniture in the apartment which could have caused broken bones and major injuries to his head, back and neck. Ben was later thrown onto the television which could have resulted in him getting cut from any broken glass that may have been present or even electrocuted if the television was plugged in.


One preventative measure is that the furniture should have been fastened to the floor or even to the wall which could have kept it in place once anyone comes into contact with it. The television should have been affixed to a height on the wall and left unplugged. Prior to James’ arrival he should have called the police and reported that his sister Angela was taken hostage. This would have ensured that he had backup when he arrived at Angela’s apartment and may have even prevented him from being shot by Santiago. 


A hazardous chemical is any substance that poses a physical hazard or health hazard to you or others in the workplace. A physical hazard generally results from the physical or chemical properties, like flammable, corrosive, or explosive substances. Health Hazards are hazards like skin irritants, carcinogens or respiratory sensitizers that have an adverse effect on an individual health as a result of contact.

 Scene 1: Throwing Grenades

Figure 16:  Ben throwing grenades in the same area where the explosions and synthetic oil are located. (Gif created from Ride Along, 2014)

A distinguished chemical hazard was spotted in the latter half of the movie when characters Ben and James were taken to an abandoned warehouse to complete a drug deal. In this warehouse, large blue barrels of synthetic oil and boxes of explosives were seen throughout the set. Synthetic oils are lubricants that are made from breaking and rebuilding hydrocarbon chains from petroleum to manufacture new oils. These, like other types of oils are highly flammable and dangerous if it flows into the natural environment. Explosives are chemical compounds that are encased, which ignites via heat, friction or impact propelling an outward detonation. The scene continues along with both Ben and James having an intense exchange of gunfire accompanied by grenade throwing which came into contact with the flammable synthetic oil barrels and the explosives. This caused fiery explosions as the gunshots ignited the barrels of oil and the grenade combusted the boxes of explosives. It was noted that these items, did not have any hazardous warning labels. The scene ends with James and Ben narrowly escaping a blazing explosion that engulfed the entire warehouse.

This was caused by the chemical hazards in the two variables listed previously: synthetic oil and explosives. The aftermath of an explosion consists of toxic fumes being released and atmospheric oxygen deficiency which the characters Ben and James could have been exposed.


Figure 17: Shows warning sign of various chemicals (Taken from Access to insanity blog spot)
Figure 18: Shows warning sign of highly flammable chemicals (Taken from the Signmaker)

The container that has the synthetic oil should have been properly labelled to convey the severity or danger that these hazardous items pose to the personnel present in the warehouse. They should have used the GHS (Global Harmonized System) labels to indicate the hazards of having both explosives and synthetic oil in the same area. The figure shown above clearly labels and gives a precise graphic representation of the possibility of risk involved with these chemical hazards. Even though these hazardous materials were stored in a warehouse, the oil barrels and boxes of explosives should be kept separate and not in situ as seen in the movie.  Isolating the explosives in a more secure environment, would lower the chances of explosions whilst moving the barrels of oil to a cooler non-flammable, non-igniting area of the storehouse would greatly reduce the risk of the hazards involved with these chemicals. Also, warnings should have been placed outside the warehouse preventing the entrance of sources of ignitions like guns, grenades, or cigarettes. This will further lower the chances of the severity of the chemical hazards.

Scene 2: Burn Injury

Figure 19: Ben leaving the BBQ grill on and unattended and then going to light it (Ride Along, 2014)

The 2nd notable chemical hazard was discovered immediately after the movie ended another scene came up with Ben and James. In this scene the characters Ben and James were at a backyard Barbeque where they were both situated at the BBQ grill. James reminded Ben to turn on the gas for the grill to which he responded that it was turned on 5 mins ago. The chemical hazard that was made transparent was the gas that was connected to the grill to cook. Upon opening the closed grill, Ben was brandishing a lit lighter which unfortunately combusted the gas that percolate out of the grill and into the atmosphere. This caused an explosion to happen at the grill that propelled Ben some distance away. The chemical components of cooking gas namely LPG has some hazards associated with it. LPG is an asphyxiate gas, which means it competes with oxygen and displaces it, leading to loss of consciousness and it is highly flammable, and explosive once heated (as shown in the movie), leading to injury or death. The scene continues along with Ben standing up, revealing his burn wounds from the explosion.


Figure 20: Safety gears (Taken from Amazon)

Firstly, Ben should have not left the grill unattended with the gas stream turned on when he was not at the grill. This misstep caused the gas to build up within the closed grill and once a live ignition source was near (the lighter), the explosion occurred. To combat this, the gas should have been turned on and the grill lit, only when Ben knew he was ready to barbeque, thus eliminating the build-up of the LPG chemical, and reducing the severity of the hazard. Also, because Ben is cooking with live fire, flameproof gloves could have been worn to reduce the chance of burns from the grill. Simultaneously, a fire extinguisher should have been easily accessible to douse any live flames that could have been created by the hazardous fuel. Also, Ben should have worn an apron, mittens/ gloves and a shorter sleeve, so when he lights the grill, it doesn’t get caught up on his sleeve and cause him to get any burns as seen from figure 18 above.


Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) focuses mainly on the protection of employees at the workplace from accidents, injuries and exposure to harmful substances. While accidents can occur at any time, it is still the employer’s responsibility to ensure that steps are taken to reduce the risk of incidents and maintain a safe working environment. As seen in the movie, Ride Along, it is evident that protocols were not observed and adhered to which led to a series of healthy and safety hazards. The movie is based around the police force which includes many hazards such as chemical, biological, physical, psychosocial, ergonomic and safety hazards, as discussed in the blog. Recommendations were made to reduce these hazards seen in the movie.

Hope you enjoyed the RIDE ALONG the HAZARDS.

(Ride Along, 2014)


“About.” Occupational Safety and Health Agency – Trinidad and Tobago > About >. Accessed November 15, 2021.

Amelia, Rinanda. “Chemical Hazard Label Template.” Labels Ideas 2019, January 17, 2017.

“Danger Sign – Highly Flammable No Smoking Or Ignition Sources.” The Signmaker. September 28, 2020. Accessed November 16, 2021.

“Crick in Neck: Treatment, Symptoms, and Causes.” Medical News Today. MediLexicon International. Accessed November 16, 2021.

“Exposure to Biological Hazards –” Accessed November 10, 2021.

Government of Canada, Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. “Physical.” Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety. October 29, 2021. Accessed November 11, 2021.

Packer, Will, Ice Cube, Matt Alvarez, Larry Brezner, Greg Coolidge, Jason Mantzoukas, Phil Hay, and Matt Manfredi. Ride Along. Netflix, n.d. Accessed November 10, 2021.

“Psychosocial Hazards Contributing To Work-Related Stress – Worksafe”. 2020. Worksafe.Vic.Gov.Au. Accessed November 7, 2021.

“Lifestyle Banquet Grilling BBQ Apron for Men with Beer Holder, Bottle Opener, Pockets, Mitt and Towel. Blue, 24 by 32 with 34 Inch Straps.” घर और किचन. Accessed November 16, 2021.

“The Importance of Seat Belt Usage for Police Officers.” VRSA, March 30, 2017.

“Safety and Health in the Use of Hazardous Chemicals at Work.” The Occupational Safety and Health Authority and Agency. OSHA. Accessed November 16, 2021.

“Seat Belt Safety 101 – Auto Body Shop: Collision Repair Experts – Fix Auto USA.” Auto Body Shop | Collision Repair Experts – Fix Auto USA. March 12, 2020. Accessed November 14, 2021.

Wannous, Chadia. 2021. “Biological Hazards Risk Assessment”. Preventionweb.Net. Accessed October 29, 2021.

“Why Proper Posture Is Important to Your Overall Health and How to Get It.” Why Proper Posture is Important to Your Overall Health and How to Get it: Dinash Yanamadula, MD, FAAPMR, FAAPM: Pain Management Specialist. Accessed November 16, 2021.

2 thoughts on “Ride Along: Riding with the Hazards ON!

  1. Love this!


  2. Good read. It was interesting to see how so many hazards were present in a comedic movie. Well done!


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