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2012 – Can OSH save the World?

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Figure 1 Source: IMP Awards 2009


Work-related diseases and injuries pose a major financial and reputational threat to all organisations and stakeholders involved (Bohle, Lamm and Quinlan 2010). Organisations therefore, are progressively placing more effort on occupational health and safety (OHS) to amplify their competitive advantage (Nathai-Balkissoon and Pun 2016). So what is OHS and why is this so important?

Figure 2 Source: iStockphoto 2021

OHS is a field of public health that analyses any trends in injuries and illnesses in the workforce and proposes and implements regulations and strategies to prevent them from occurring (Correl 2021). Traditionally, this field focused on the health and safety of the manual labour workforce, however, health and safety precautions across all work environments are now mandatory, due to the OHS agencies in place across the globe. Prior to the implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the USA, a total of 14,000 deaths and 2.5 million disabilities due to injuries sustained in the workplace were reported annually, however, immediately after the enactment of OSHA, workplace injuries significantly reduced and fatalities reduced by over 50% (Upcounsel 2021). This means that employers have fewer staff missing from work due to injury or illness thereby increasing efficiency and productivity. Additionally, employee performance and morale is also improved in safer work environments thereby contributing to the overall success of the organisation (Mitchell McCoy and Evans 2005). These statistics show the important role employers play in taking the necessary steps to reduce the risk of incidents and maintaining a safe work environment.

Movie Synopsis

2012 is an American science-fiction disaster film that follows a frustrated writer and chauffeur, Jackson Curtis, on a quest to keep his family alive, as a series of natural disasters threaten to obliterate all of mankind. The film also follows American geologist, Adrian Helmsley who is part of a worldwide geophysical team, investigating the effect of solar storms on the Earth. In 2009, Dr. Helmsley journeyed to Naga Deng Copper Mine, India where he discovered that the Earth’s core is heating up. He knew this could cause the crust of the Earth to become unstable resulting in the world ending. Dr. Helmsley immediately returned to Washington, D.C America and informed U.S President, Thomas Wilson about the discovery, which led world leaders to race to complete the classified ‘dam project’ that involved the construction of arks to preserve humanity. World leaders however, decided to withhold the impending doomsday from all citizens and only provided a seat on the ark to the most wealthy and prominent figures in society who could afford the ticket price of 1 billion dollars per person.

In the year 2012, while camping at the Yellowstone National Park with his 2 children, Jackson Curtis observed animal corpses, a dried up lake and experienced a major earthquake that split the local supermarket in half. He later discovers that the world was ending while transporting the children of his Russian billionaire employer, to board an aircraft that was bound for the arks. Jackson then raced for his former wife, her boyfriend and his children and raced through several life threatening situations to ensure they are able to board the ark successfully.

Figure 3 Source: European Commission n.d. and MSc Student

A hazard can be defined as any event that can physically cause injury, loss of life, mental health issues and negative effects to both people and the environment (Schneiderbauer and Ehrlich 2004).  Did you know that one of the main causes of workplace injuries and illnesses is due to an employer’s failure to identify, recognize or anticipate potential hazards (OSHA 2016)? In fact, analysing present or potential hazards can determine its severity and potential damages, allowing for the identification and implementation of proper health and safety practices (Schneiderbauer and Ehrlich 2004). Workplace hazards can range from noisy equipment, chemical exposure, working from heights, bullying or even repetitive jobs (Gov of Western Australia n.d.). These examples can fall into one of following hazard categories: Physical, Biological, Chemical, Ergonomic or Psychosocial that will be further discussed in this blog post.

Figure 4 Source: Inter Focus 2020

According to the Colorado Occupational Medical Partners (2020), physical hazards are factors within the environment that can lead to injuries. These include, falling objects, wet floors, exposed electrical wiring or any other condition that can cause someone to fall, slip or incur any other type of injury. However, did you know that some physical hazards can still cause harm without actually making physical contact? Yes! Excessive noise, radiation, heat, working from heights or pressure are also categorised as physical hazards. According to OSHA (n.d.), fire, explosions and reactive risks lead to physical hazards in the workplace. In this movie, there were multiple scenes depicting clear physical hazards.


Upon descending 11,000 feet – I repeat… 11,000 feet underground..Seems a bit excessive to me but let’s continue- Upon descending 11,000 feet into the world’s former deepest copper mine Dr. Adrian Helmsley immediately comments on the heat. Dr. Satnum responded by stating that he came on one of the better days as temperatures in the mine could reach up to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (48.9 degrees Celsius). – I know we have never experienced this temperature before but boy oh boy does it feel like this most days – The scene also shows Dr. Satnum’s brother, Gurdeep complaining of the high temperature of the underground space and the limited ice available to cool down. We later see Gurdeep pouring ice into a bucket where colleague Dr. Lokesh’s feet are submerged in order to cool down. Ice is not my typical cooling method, but I totally understand the relief Dr. Lokesh felt at this moment. On a hot day, temperature receptors on the skin will send signals to the hypothalamus, a region of the brain, also known as the brain’s thermoregulatory system, which then cools the body by producing sweat, to maintain the body’s core temperature at 98.6°F (37°C). However, when the body is exposed to extreme temperatures over an extended period of time, it becomes difficult to perform this function (Richardson 2020). This is why we tend to feel exhausted or dehydrated when exposed to high heat for prolonged periods. More severely, one can suffer from heatstroke in cases where the body’s temperature rises above 104 °F (40°C) (Mayo Clinic 2021). As advised by Dr. Satnum, on extremely hot days, temperatures in the copper mine could reach up to 120 ° F which places all employees at the risk of suffering from heatstroke. Can you imagine how hot it must be for your core body temperature to rise to 40°C?

Figure 5 Source : Movie 2012

We also see the potential effects of high heat on the body when Dr. Satnum opens a 6000 feet water tank emanating steam and exposing the heated earth’s core. Both doctors were hovering over the tanks and were at risk of obtaining severe physical burn injuries if their skin made contact with the steam. Have you ever been burnt by steam while cooking? Yes, I got chills typing this sentence. Now imagine being burnt by the heat of the Earth’s core. I’m honestly terrified at the mere thought of it.

Figure 6 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented?

As this mine was located 11,000 feet underground, and located in an area of high geothermal energy, there was not any sufficient cooling apparatus in place to continuously cool the work area. To prevent employees from succumbing to heat related injuries, they could ensure to wear light clothing that allows sweat to evaporate easily and cool the body as well as drinking plenty of water to replenish the loss of fluids due to constant sweating. Your age also plays a role in how your body responds to extreme heat. An elderly person above 65 years of age is less able to cope with changes to high temperature, as such, it is also recommended that the employee’s age be considered before hiring to work in such extreme conditions (Mayo Clinic 2021). Cooling systems such as the use of ice should also continue as the installation of cooling vents may be difficult due to the depth of the mine.  

Employees should also refrain from opening the tank to avoid being burnt by the boiling water and steam. If employees are required to open the tank, they should only do so while wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as goggles, respirator, safety gloves and other body protection as seen in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7 Source: Killem Pest 2021

Moving Vehicles 

Upon dropping his boss’ children to board their private jet, Jackson learnt of the existence of the arks built by the world leaders and immediately raced to his children’s home to take them to the ark for a chance at survival. On arrival, the city was struck by another earthquake, more devastating than the others resulting in the complete disintegration of the family’s home and others alike in the neighbourhood. Outside we see buildings collapsing and the road itself rising and caving in further increasing the family’s urgency to evacuate the city. Kate, Gordon and the children quickly ran to Jackson’s limo in order to get out of the city and to the airstrip, however everyone but Lilly entered the vehicle before Jackson began reversing. In her childlike innocence, poor Lilly was devastated that she had to leave her hats behind and stood outside the vehicle staring longingly at the pile of bricks that was once her home. She didn’t quite understand her parents’ fright. Kate quickly pulled her into the vehicle before the door was knocked off by a trash can. If Kate attempted to grab Lilly a second later, she would have been severely injured or possibly worse. After this incident, Jackson continued driving recklessly at full speed to save himself and his family however as the vehicle no longer had a door, Kate or Lilly could have easily fallen out of the moving vehicle.

Figure 8a Source: Movie 2012

In the scene below Jackson is seen speeding towards a moving plane in order to grab Kate’s hand and enter the aircraft. Behind him, we see the airstrip is collapsing and balls of fire are reigning down from the sky above. As Gordon attempts to lift the plane off the ground in these unusual circumstances he is heard shouting  “We are running out of runway, for God’s sake, Kate, pull him up.” We hear the children screaming for their dad to run faster otherwise he would be left behind and die. With everything left in him, Jackson is able to grab ahold of Kate’s hand as she pulls him into the moving aircraft right as it begins ascension. Only in the movies right? I don’t know about you but that would’ve had a completely different outcome if my life depended on me running somewhere. Can you imagine jumping into a moving aircraft unscathed? Lighter aircrafts take off at around 100km/h, that means Jackson is definitely olympic track and field quality.

Figure 8b Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented? 

Before entering the vehicle herself, Kate should have made sure the children were in and properly secured. This makes sure the children are accounted for and not damaged or at risk of being damaged outside of the vehicle, considering there were countless flying objects in the vicinity.  For the safety of Kate, Lilly and Noah in the back seat with no door, to prevent anyone from sliding out of the limo, seat belts should have been worn by all of them. We still heard Gordon shouting “buckle up!” to ensure the family was properly secured. However, Noah still was not buckled in like Lily and Kate but is leaning over to witness the disasters happening around him.

Persons should never attempt to board a moving aircraft as this can cause serious bodily injury or even death. Persons should only attempt to board any type of vehicle when they are stationary. Gordon should have waited for Jackson to climb aboard the aircraft before taking off. 


In the scene depicted in figure 9a below, water entered the back of the ark due to a large tsunami making impact with the vessel. The passengers at the back area of the ark were the first to be impacted as they were seen submerged and tossed around due to the force of the water. In the scene, passengers were not observed to be using any sound or visual signalling devices nor were they wearing life jackets or using any other form of floatation devices. The effects of not wearing a lifejacket or other floatation devices may increase the chances of individuals drowning. The use of personal floatation devices can assist greatly in aiding with temporary rescue of persons that are in distress in deep waters as it gives persons buoyancy within the body of water (Boaterexam, n.d.). The use of the devices can also assist persons who are able to swim in conserving energy so that they would not drown from physical fatigue (Birens et al, 2016). Sound signalling devices can also aid in these types of survival situations when visibility is poor. Additionally, visual signalling devices can attract help when sounds cannot be heard. As someone who can’t swim and can barely run, I’m starting to realise that I just may not be cut out for the ‘end of the world’ type of activities. I guess I’ll leave it to the professionals and shout at my TV screen on what I think they should have done in those situations. On that note, how can we prevent this from happening? … see what i did there? … not yet? Keep scrolling… 

Figure 9a Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented?

To limit loss of life and negate high levels of panic aboard the ark, it is recommended that sufficient personal floatation, sound and visual signalling devices be placed on board for the recommended passenger capacity of the vessel. The devices should be strategically placed in locations easily accessible for passengers. It is also recommended that a demo for the use of the device be shown or instructions for the use of the devices be situated in a clearly visible location. Lastly, furnishings in the ark should be made of materials that can float and are easily detachable so it too can be used as a flotation device.

Figure 9b: Multiple Sources
Figure 10 Source: Inter Focus 2020

Public Health Ontario (2021) specifies that biological health hazards entails; bacteria, viruses, parasites, mold or fungi and if ingested, inhaled or touched can adversely affect a human’s health. Illnesses such as respiratory or parasite infection, food poisoning and tetanus  can occur as a result of coming into contact with biological hazards. According to OSHA (n.d.), 5.6 million employees are at risk of contracting and exposure to biohazards at the workplace.

Decaying Animal

Biological hazards were observed in several scenes. Scene 22:00, depicted in figure 11 below, shows Jackson and his two children visiting Yellowstone National Park which was restricted from the public due to the area being ‘unstable’. Although it was restricted from public access, they ventured in without knowledge of what lied behind the fence – Strike 1- . The family came across a decomposing animal and stood in close proximity to the corpse – Strike 2- , viewing the remains before continuing their journey. Now there are several diseases that can infect humans if we come into contact with dead animals. As the dead animal decays, developing bacteria can have a severe impact on our health with diseases such as Tularemia. Tularemia is a disease whose effects are sometimes mild and un-harmful, however persons may also have serious complications sometimes resulting in death. The disease is spread through dead animals by persons inhaling, ingesting or touching the spores of the corpses (NORD 2021). Parasites also feed off the animal’s corpse providing a new host for the disease to be transmitted.

Figure 11 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented? 

Firstly, Jackson should have observed all signs stating the area was restricted and avoided entering with his 2 children. However , as he did ignore all warnings, to mitigate harmful exposure, it is recommended that Jackson carry a medical kit while camping, with oral antibiotics for onset of symptoms of diseases and personal hygiene packages (namely antibacterial soap), to be used immediately after coming in contact with the corpse or any other bacteria. Secondly, the family should wear disposable or respirator face masks to prevent direct inhalation of any airborne pathogen that could potentially cause illness. If this is not at their disposal, it is recommended that they use clothing to construct an apparatus with similar functionality of a protective face mask.

Figure 12: How to make a face mask using a t-shirt. Source: Boone 2020

Stinging Insects

How many times have you slapped yourself in an attempt to ward off mosquitoes? If you are like me, then the answer is too many to count. As seen in figure 13 below, while camping, Jackson’s son Noah attempts to fend off mosquitoes that can be seen frequenting around himself and his sister Lily. Jackson asks if “anyone sprayed the tent for mosquitoes” and both children are later seen scratching their skin due to mosquito bites. Mosquitoes are known for spreading viruses such as the dengue fever, West Nile virus (WNV) and other viruses which can be lethal in some cases.

Figure 13 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented?

It is recommended that campers pick a dry camping site and avoid setting up their campsites near areas with long grass, stagnant water, waterholes, mangroves etc. The right camping gear such as a screened enclosure for the tent that protects against bad bugs should also be considered. Did you know that darker colours absorb heat, which in turn heightens mosquitoes’ heat sensors (TOI 2009)? This is why mosquitoes are more attracted to darker coloured clothing and why it is recommended that light coloured clothing be worn while camping. Campers should also avoid using deodorant and perfume (especially with floral scents) as your scent can also attract mosquitoes. The use of citronella candles or incense as a deterrent to mosquitoes as well as the application of mosquito repellent ointments to prevent mosquito bites is highly recommended.  Lastly, if all preventative measures fail and campers are in fact bitten, diluted tea tree oil or lavender applied to the area or ingesting an antihistamine reduces the risk of infections (Mosquito Squad n.d.).

Figure 14 Source: Inter Focus 2020

A chemical hazard refers to a reaction that is caused by inhalation or exposure to chemicals in any given environment (American Chemistry Council 2018). The intensity of the hazard is dependent on:

  1. The kind of chemical
  2. The combination of chemicals
  3. The ratios in the composition of the chemical.

Chemical hazards can be released through air emission, water discharge, land release and underground injection releases (Davis et al, 1994). According to the NIOSH (2018), chemical hazards can cause a series of health complications such as irritation of the skin and eyes, respiratory issues as well as skin and respiratory sensitisation. OSHA (n.d.) added that chemical hazards can cause carcinogenicity (promotion of cancer cells).

Water Contamination

As seen in figure 15 below, a taxi transporting Dr. Adrian Helmsley was observed entering a large gate in Naga Deng Copper mine India. A young boy can be seen seated on the side of the roadway with an umbrella playing with a boat in water puddles – This scene takes me back to my childhood, making paper boats and racing them in a bucket filled with water – As the car whisks past the child, he is splashed with water by the taxi. The water that the child was playing in and further got splashed with is likely to be contaminated as it is near a copper mine. Given that this mine is situated among human life, acute to severe copper exposure can result in gastrointestinal complications by water contamination (Araya et al, 2007).

Figure 15 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented? 

To avoid water supplies from being contaminated by copper and its derivatives, relocation of human life a significant distance away from the mine is recommended to decrease the likelihood of contamination. Additionally, it is recommended that the child refrains from playing in water puddles at the risk of further exposure

Vapours and Fumes

The second scene highlighting chemical hazards in the movie displays Jackson on the couch during an earthquake. He looks at his watch, realises he is late and jumps over the couch, knocking over the lamp on the side table. As someone who has overslept and had to race against time to get to work – please don’t tell my boss – I 100% relate to Jackson’s actions in this scene. However, as the light bulb broke, gases in the light bulb were emitted into the atmosphere. Light bulbs are made up of noble gases which are asphyxiants. Noble gases replace oxygen in the air, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen available to inhale. Without oxygen, the outcome can be fatal for all living things. Though, within the scene it is not in a large amount to pose an immediate threat, acute exposure to noble gases can cause mild effects such as dizziness, headaches and discomfort to the skin and eyes (Hesperian Health Guides, 2021).

Figure 16 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented?

Instead of jumping over the couch, Jackson could have walked around the side table and avoided knocking over the lamp. It is also recommended that a door or window is immediately opened after the shatter to improve ventilation in the space.

Silica Dust in the environment

The third scene depicted in figure 17, concentrates on the aftermath of another major earthquake occurring at the White House in Washington D.C.  Due to the severity of the earthquake, there was a lot of infrastructural damage and many persons were seen covered in concrete dust and other foreign particles which were floating in the air. Concrete is made with a chemical called silica which is found in materials like stone, rock, gravel and clay (Gharpure et al, 2021). When these materials are broken down, a fine crystalline form of silica is released, known as respirable crystalline silica or silica dust. Silica dust can cause skin irritation, eye irritation and acute to moderate respiratory complications brought on by silicosis (Elcosh, 2001) and in severe cases it can even become fatal.

Source: Tenor
Figure 17 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented?

Some measures that could have been adapted were: coveralls with long sleeves to protect the skin inclusive of gloves, eye protection such as goggles/glasses and protective respiratory equipment such as a ventilator or an N-95 respiratory mask could be worn. Persons should also ensure to avoid touching the masks excessively to limit the spread of silica particles. As this particular scene was due to a natural disaster occurring, affected persons may not have had access to all the suggested PPE. As best as possible, the teams on the ground should communicate the hazard to all civilians as knowing the possible effects could effectively mobilise them to act appropriately and reduce the risk of further injuries. Additionally, persons could use cloth from any pieces of clothing not covered in dust and create face masks for themselves and other affected persons.

Figure 18 Source: Boston University 2020 and MSc Student

Ergonomic hazards occur when the workspace design and type of tools and materials used puts a strain on the body (Ross 1994). Imagine being seated hunched over at your desk for 3 hours straight and suddenly you straighten your back and sit upright. Ahh yes! That feeling of relief you feel when you’re no longer placing copious amounts of pressure on your spine is almost heavenly.

Source: Alamy 2021

This is one of the main reasons ergonomic hazards are difficult to identify. You rarely notice the strain you are placing on your body until you start feeling some sort of discomfort and in extreme cases, when you have experienced some sort of long term injury. These hazards can be easily overlooked by organisations, however they are still of great concern in the workplace. Poorly designed workspaces and continuous body movements can increase the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as tendonitis, strained muscles and carpal tunnel syndrome to name a few (Stevenson 2018). Employees being unable to perform their duties at full capacity due to injuries incurred as a result of Ergonomic hazards in the workplace can lead to reduced productivity, loss of time, increased insurance claims and of course, unnecessary pain and suffering that could have been avoided with the implementation of proper ergonomic practices.

Effects on Posture

In the scene below, depicted by figure 19, Dr. Lokesh who works alongside Dr. Satnam in the Copper mine is seen taking notes of readings and recording them in a standing position as well as sitting while soaking his feet in a bucket of ice. Here we see he takes his notes on a chair where there is no visible sturdy back support or arm rest. Additionally, he does not use any desk support when writing. Dr. Lokesh can permanently damage his back if he continues this type of work ethic as prolonged sitting in this position can lead to back and neck pain, spine curvature, joint degeneration and even potbelly- yes, I said potbelly (Better Health 2015).

Additional scenes depicted in figures 20 and 21 show persons sitting and lying on the floor of the White House after a major earthquake destroyed many buildings in Washington D.C.,  as well as soldiers who were standing for extended periods of time at Yellowstone Park while on duty. As a one-time occurrence, these activities may cause you to feel a little discomfort however, standing over an extended period of time for work can cause sore feet, varicose veins, muscular fatigue, lower back pain and other MSDs (CCOHS 2021). Similarly sitting on the floor can cause pain to your lower back and legs if they are folded.According to Cornell University, approximately 50% of the employees who work in a more industrial environment suffer from some type of back injury and most times it is related to poor posture resulting from incorrect seating design. The health of our spine is of utmost importance where most times the frequently recorded lumber area is damaged between L4 and L5)(Ergonomics Of Sitting 2021).

Figure 19 Source: Movie 2012
Figure 20 Source: Movie 2012
Figure 21 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be prevented?

Dr. Lokesh appears to be middle aged. It should be noted that the effects of this poor posture can become worse as he gets older. It is recommended that Dr. Lokesh use an ergonomic chair to properly support his entire spine and arms or he may develop spinal disc complications. As seen in figure 22, the ergonomic chair has several comfort and adjustable features that makes it easy to maintain the right posture. Due to Dr. Lokesh’s location, 11,000 feet underground, he may not be able to access an ergonomic chair as such, an alternative is to use lumbar rolls to support his lower back (Better Health 2015). Some additional tips to improve general posture are to stretch the neck and body muscles 2-3 times weekly and also Dr Lokesh must make use of his desk for writing as opposed to a clipboard as the only form of support.  

Furthermore, to reduce the risk of developing long term effects from standing for prolonged periods due to work, it is recommended that  persons change their work positions often to reduce the amount of time spent in one position. Affected individuals should also participate in regular stretching exercises. Employers should also allow the workers to rest for suitable periods. (CCOHS 2021).

Figure 22 Source: The Office Oasis 2021
Figure 23 Source: Msc Student

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as psychosocial hazards. You may be wondering how a hazard could be psychosocial right? Prior to this course, I had no idea this type of hazard existed but turns out a psychosocial hazard can be identified as an incidental effect, which can occur in all occupational environments. These hazards can appear as having an indirect or direct effect on the employees’ psychological or mental well-being which may hinder their performance in a working environment more than other employees (Chirico et al. 2021). This category of hazard is usually linked to the management of work at the organisation where physical injuries, mental and psychological effects are likely to occur (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021). The International Labour Organization indicated that there are two aspects of psychosocial hazards. The first is related to the management of work, organisational and environmental state and the second aspect refers to the employees’ needs and preferences. Therefore, psychosocial hazards may possess strong influences and challenges toward the organisation thus they must be mitigated and managed properly (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021). Psychosocial hazards in the workplace can be viewed as a major challenge according to OHS, as it involves employees feeling stressed, experiencing violence, burnout, harassment or even being victims of bullying (Naji et al. 2021). Yes! All these factors are considered psychosocial hazards.

Effects of Stress and Fear 

In the scene below, Dr. Helmsley and Dr. Satnam both enter an elevator to make their way down into the Copper mine. Dr. Helmsley looks at Dr.Satnam, full of fear as they descend in the very unstable elevator as it screeches on its way down. As he becomes more fearful, he questions, “How deep do we go?”. Imagine having to endure an elevator ride 11,000 feet underground with no air conditioning in an unstable elevator. Would you feel safe and calm or would you start reciting the first line to Adele’s song Skyfall “ This is the end” ? It would be the latter for me and for this reason, this scenario can be viewed as a psychosocial hazard. The knowledge that this elevator could malfunction or stop functioning at any time leaving you stranded or worse, incurring severe injuries can have negative impacts to one’s psychological well being.

Figure 24 Source: Movie 2012.

How can this be prevented?

Working in a copper mine that goes 11,000 feet underground seems to be a little stressful. What makes this environment  even more stressful is the unstable elevator that screeches on its way up and down and is the only way to get into the mine. It is recommended, by the condition of the elevator, that Dr. Satnam and his team should have this replaced or fixed in order to avoid any major injuries to workers or visitors like Dr. Helmsley. In September 2021, NIOSH introduced new methods of using aerial lifts in these types of working environments. Companies were asked to train employees with new educational material and learn safety and health guidelines from professionals in order to operate these lifts to prevent any injuries (“Falls In The Workplace: Aerial Lifts | NIOSH | CDC” 2021).

Figure 25 Source: Movie 2012

In this scene, Dr. Helmsley quickly runs to the operations room to give relevant coordinates to estimate the time for impact on the ark. Mr. Carl Anhuesar and all personnel involved look on screen with extreme fear and stress to see the final time estimation before the huge wave hits the ark. The gates/ doors to the ark are not properly sealed off and due to this, the engines are not able to start unless the problem faced is rectified immediately. In approximately twenty-eight minutes and ten seconds the wave will have a detrimental impact on the ark if the ark is not sealed and the engines are not in operation. What would you do and how would you react if your life could possibly end in 28 minutes and 10 seconds? Would you spend your last few minutes in fear and panic or would you use every last second executing a plan to ensure the gates can be sealed before the end of the countdown?

How can this be Prevented?

The captain and his operations team should have sufficient personnel present in engine rooms at all times to ensure its proper function. This situation could have been avoided if there were no issues in the engine bay, where in this movie a cord was seen to be wrapped around one of the gears preventing them from turning in its normal course. Had this not occurred, the captain would have been able to start engines on the scheduled time for departure and avoid the ark being flooded from the impact with water. In highly stressful situations, it is important to take deep breaths and breathe calmly in order to reduce the heart rate and regularize the flow of oxygen to the brain. As advised, proper preparation for a range of possible circumstances would prevent persons from feeling extreme fear and panic as the appropriate plans would be actioned if necessary. Talking through the issues and creating a realistic plan for execution as a team would also reduce the amount of fear and anxiety experienced by all persons on board.

Traumatic Events 

In the scene below, good friends Harry and Tony are having a conversation discussing how short life is as they make their way aboard the cruise ship ‘ The Genesis’ on which they work. As they move their way through the crowd, the floor starts to shake. Both friends are shocked at this sight and look at each other worried. Their attention moves over looking at the  ramp which sits on the ship for passengers’ access. The ramp starts shifting and lifting into the air as it is not safely and  securely attached to the ship. The old friends both look at each other in extreme fear and confusion. This stressful and frightening experience could have prevented Harry and Tony from boarding the cruise ship or even increased the risk of them developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (National Institute of Mental Health 2019).

Figure 26 Source: Movie 2012

How can this be Prevented?

It is recommended that safety measures and precautions are used to avoid these situations such as natural disasters which this movie is based on. The ramp used as a bridge for boarding of passengers should be attached using strong bolts to hold in place at both ends until all passengers are aboard the vessel. Furthermore, the Economic Commission for Europe provides guidelines and information that is relevant and extremely important for having  safe measures in place. For instance, based on the category of persons booked for travel, cruise ship companies should always consider persons with disabilities, pregnant women and the elderly by ensuring secure attachments of bridges used as ramps for these passengers(2021. Unece.Org.).


Organisations should utilise the guidelines from the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act which is in place to protect the health, safety and well-being of all employers, employees and customers in the working environment. The main focus of this blog assignment was to look at the five hazards which can be present in the work environment such as physical, biological, chemical, ergonomic and psychological. There were a number of hazards present in the movie 2012, where the most extreme and alarming scenes were highlighted. Recommendations were also given for each hazard as a possible way to mitigate the risk of occurrence. It is ultimately important to place emphasis on organisations to identify all possible hazards and reduce the risk as low as reasonably practicable to prevent any harm or death due to negligence to adhere to the proper health and safety guidelines both internally and externally in the working environment (Fisher 2008).


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